PA Caucus Committees

Leading the Way

Below are the caucus committees that manage the key areas of focus for Program Administrators.

If you have interest in serving on a caucus committee, please use one of following methods:

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Works with members to ensure that the Program Administrator section of the AADPRT website is up to date and relevant, monitors the listserv for trends, and educates members on available resources. 
Chair: Deborah Bibeau
Questions? Email the committee

Lucille Fusaro Meinsler Program Administrator Award 

Ensures the recognition of outstanding Program Administrators with exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills and innovative approaches to managing a psychiatry training program. Encourages program directors to submit their nominations. Reviews and evaluates nominee applications, ensures that nominations meet all criteria, and determines the award winner.
Chair: Ola Golovinsky

New Member Liaison

Develops and maintains the mentor list.
Chair: Jennifer Laflin

Professional Development and TAGME 

Creates/maintains the Program Administrator handbook, creates/updates the basic job description, presents on relevant topics at the annual meeting. Educates members regarding the benefits of TAGME certification.
Co-chairs: Melody Johnson | Chrisandra Knight

Program Planning

Develops the annual meeting program; confirming presentations and speakers, planning networking activities, and working with the Executive Director on meeting needs. Post event, they survey attendees for feedback.
Chair: Lora Goudreau


Strives to assist and support program administrators with their wellness and wellbeing. This is accomplished through newsletters, research, and presentations distributed through the ListServs and at the annual meetings.
Chair: Kristin Hollis 



Virtual Recruitment Fairs

AADPRT will once again host virtual recruitment fairs to connect medical students with psychiatric residency training programs.

More info