Training Director Membership

Membership Matters

Whether you are a new member or a 'lifer,' AADPRT values your membership and provides the excellent resources you need to turn residents into world class psychiatrists. From our Virtual Training Office chock full of model curriculum and all things psychiatry education to our listservs, mentorship program, and Academic Psychiatry Journal access, we are Training Directors' go-to place. 

Become a member
Membership renewal

Become a member


AADPRT's membership year is 7/1 - 6/30 and is not prorated. The annual renewal period is 7/1 - 8/31. Accounts not renewed by 8/31 expire and a new account must be created.

Individual Member
Affiliate Member
Emeritus Member
International Member

Individual Member: $275 annual fee -- This is in addition to the required institution fee. 

This class of membership consists of psychiatrists, including, but not limited to, Training Directors and Associate/Assistant Training Directors of general and subspecialty psychiatric residency programs, as well as chairs, vice chairs, and department heads who oversee such programs, and psychologists who are actively involved in psychiatry residency training (pending AADPRT leadership review). All Training Directors representing an institution must apply for an individual rather than an affiliate membership. Individual members have these benefits: 

  • Access to the website including Virtual Training Office (VTO) materials
  • Access to listservs
  • Access to the Mentorship Program
  • Complimentary subscription to Academic Psychiatry Journal (2 per institution; additional subscriptions are $88 ea.)
  • May submit a workshop and/or poster for consideration for the Annual Meeting
  • May submit an awards nomination for consideration for the Annual Meeting
  • Reduced member registration fee for the annual meeting
To become an individual member, representatives of the institutional sponsor must complete the online membership application and pay with credit card. Psychologist member applications will be reviewed and approved by AADPRT leadership. Once the application has been approved and payment has been received, membership shall be granted. One of the individual psychiatrist members will be officially designated as the sole voting member for that institution.

Become a Member

Affiliate Member: $440 annual fee

This class of membership consists of psychiatrists who do not qualify as individual members of the institutional sponsors and have an active role in residency education (e.g. institution is not accredited by ACGME and therefore can't be a member, consultants to psychiatry departments, etc.). Affiliate members shall not have voting rights. When choosing this category, if your institution is not listed in our system, choose "AADPRT Affiliate Members" as your institution. Similar to individual members, each affiliate member receives all of the aforementioned benefits plus:
  • One (1) complimentary subscription to Academic Psychiatry Journal

Psychiatrists who fulfill the criteria set forth for membership in this category shall be granted membership upon receipt of a properly completed application and the payment of dues to the Executive Office of the Association.

Become a Member

Emeritus Member: No fee

A member may become emeritus after they had ceased their scientific or medical occupation for which they received remuneration (i.e. income based on professional services has ceased or is less than 10% of full-time occupational income). Upon approval by AADPRT leadership, an emeritus member will have their annual membership dues waived.

In order to qualify for this category, members should have had an institutional or affiliate membership for a minimum of seven (7) years, and have ceased their scientific or medical occupation for which they receive remuneration (i.e., income based on professional services has ceased or is less than 10% of full-time occupational income).

Become a Member

International Member: $440 annual fee

This category of membership consists of psychiatrists who work as psychiatry residency training directors, or the equivalent, outside of the United States and Canada. They must be sponsored by an Individual Member of AADPRT and verified as eligible by AADPRT leadership. International Members may apply for reduced dues based on financial hardship. International Members must apply by April 1 to be considered for the subsequent academic year (July 1).

To apply as an International Member, contact Executive Director Sara Stramel-Brewer.

Resident:  AADPRT does not currently offer membership to residents.

Membership is activated once the application is reviewed by the Executive Director and payment has been received and processed. 

Membership Renewal


Membership renewal period is 7/1 - 8/31. Accounts not renewed by 8/31 will expire. Membership year is 7/1 - 6/30.

How to renew:
1) Log in to your account between 7/1 and 8/31.
2) Click the renewal button on your dashboard and complete payment with credit card (only accepted payment method).

Paying for multiple accounts:
If you are a Program Administrator (Coordinator) wanting to pay for all of your members, you can do this from your account, though you'll need to pay for each member individually.

How PAs can renew their members (credit card only):

1) Log into your Program Administrator account
2) Click "Members" on the left side of your dashboard
3) Click a member's name (you'll need to renew each member individually)
4) Click the "Dues/Fees" tab
5) Click "Pay for member"
6) You may print a receipt now or it will be available on the member's dashboard once their account is approved.


annual meeting

To claim CME/CE credit, click the link in the email sent to you Saturday, 3/8.