annual meeting
To claim CME/CE credit, click the link in the email sent to you Saturday, 3/8.
Support our fellowships, awards, and program administrator award endowment campaign to help ensure the health of psychiatry and AADPRT. Below are two opportunities to give. If you're donating in honor
of someone, please email Sara the name.
In honor of the retirement of longstanding AADPRT Administrative Director Lucille Meinsler, and in celebration of the outstanding work of the residency coordinators throughout the nation, AADPRT is working to raise $75,000 to endow the Lucille Fusaro Meinsler Program Administrator Award. This award annually recognizes a deserving psychiatry program administrator.
To donate by check, see below.
Please help fund our fellowship and award programs. Contributions to these awards and fellowships will be used exclusively to support the educational experience of the trainee award winners. All administrative costs are paid by AADPRT.
To donate by check, see below.
Donate by check
AADPRT Executive Office
Attn: Contributions
PO Box 30413
Indianapolis IN 46230
Please contact Ann Schwartz, MD, Chair, AADPRT Development Committee with questions or concerns regarding contributions.
AADPRT is a 501 (c) 3 corporation; FEIN#23-7354958
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Should you wish to honor someone with your contribution, please email Sara.
AADPRT respects the privacy of its contributors. Here’s the link to our Privacy Policy.
annual meeting