annual meeting
To claim CME/CE credit, click the link in the email sent to you Saturday, 3/8.
There are many ways to become more involved in AADPRT. The key is to look for opportunities that speak to your passion and volunteer. Your involvement enriches us all and together we can accomplish more.
Becoming involved is also an excellent way to prevent professional burn-out. Creativity and new ideas are emergent properties of groups and we all need this energy to stay excited about our work.
Mentors are active members of the AADPRT community who have insights into being a training director or associate training director. They can be an invaluable resource for learning more about the organization and profession. Members with eight or more years of experience (2-3 years for Associate Residency Directors) can sign-up to be a mentor for colleagues seeking guidance. If you don’t yet have a mentor or would like to sign-up to be one, please contact Membership Co-chair Sourav Sengupta.
AADPRT members are represented by Regional Representatives serving a three-year term in one of seven physical regions throughout the country. Each region has two lead representatives, one representing general adult programs and one representing child/subspecialties. Representatives are responsible for disseminating information and gathering concerns of the membership throughout the year via conference calls and during Regional Caucus meetings held at the Annual Meeting. Summaries of each of these caucus meetings are presented to the Executive Council on the final day of the Annual Meeting. Representatives also complete an annual project designed to benefit membership as a whole as well as serve on the Ginsberg and Poster Award Committees.
Serving as a Regional Representative is a terrific opportunity to meet Executive Council members, help set priorities, and better understand the problems and challenges facing training programs throughout the country. Contact the Regional Representative Committee Chair Joy Houston to learn more about becoming a representative or reach out to your Regional Representative to learn more about getting more involved with AADPRT.
AADPRT committees and task forces are looking for volunteers to share their knowledge about a particular topic. A listing of the current committees, task forces, and caucuses can be found on the website under "About AADPRT" section under Committees, Caucuses, and Task Forces. Reach out and contact a committee chair.
We are all working to improve our training programs. Sharing innovative things you've done is useful to all of us -- don’t underestimate what you may have to share! It may seem like something obvious to you, but it may be just what another program needs.
The Curriculum committee is seeking submissions of innovative, clear curriculum. Now with the Milestones Project, we all are looking to each other for ways to teach important ideas. Consider contributing the curriculum from your terrific course.
more information
Poster session
A great way to share your ideas is through the poster session at the annual meeting. In talking to people about your work, you may find commonality that can lead to a workshop submission. Poster submissions are accepted in September and October each year.
Workshop submission
Have a great idea for an annual meeting workshop and looking for fellow presenters? We encourage you to share your idea on the ListServ. It is quite possible that someone shares your idea or passion and would like to partner with you. If you are a first time presenter and think you would benefit from additional guidance, there are several avenues of support. Reach out to your mentor, send an email to an Executive Council member, or reach out to the Program Committee. AADPRT encourages collegial support so don’t be afraid to ask. Workshop submissions are accepted in September and October each year.
Have a great idea or a question about AADPRT and don’t know whom to ask? A good place to start would be the Annual Meeting Breakfast with Executive Council Members. This is an informal, relaxed opportunity to share a meal with Executive Council members and discuss issues of mutual interest. The Executive Council member may be able to point you to other members of the AADPRT community who share similar interests and concerns.
A quick way to learn about AADPRT issues and leadership, is to review the Executive Committee minutes and other group reports in the VTO.
Becoming involved is an excellent way to prevent professional burn-out. Creativity and new ideas are emergent properties of groups and we all need this energy to stay excited about our work.
annual meeting