annual meeting
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The COVID pandemic has disrupted everything, imposed great burdens on our patients, learners, and faculty, and exposed deep racial disparities in our institutions and society. These are difficult times. AADPRT’s 2022 Annual meeting has two principle aims – to advance anti-racism and allyship in residency training and to reconnect our community.
Being an effective cross-racial ally requires knowing thyself as a racial being as well as developing the capacity for nuanced conversations about race and racism. The program will help us as educators to ‘see, be, and do’ anti-racism. At the same time, we will leverage our amazing community to help each other adapt to, and manage, the challenges of the ‘new normal’, including how we promote passion and calling (professional identity development), navigate the role of remote technology in supervision, teaching and clinical care, and develop a growth mindset in our assessment programs.
Event Guide
Annual Meeting Registration Rates
Workshop Abstracts
Poster Abstracts
Plenary Speakers
Critical Speaker Instructions
Platform Orientation Guide
Platform Orientation Video
platform Orientation Slides
Critical Poster Instructions
Poster Competition Instructions
tips for presenting virtually
annual meeting