2024 Annual Meeting

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Hilton Austin, Tuesday 2/27 - Saturday, 3/2, 2024

austin3.jpegFaculty recruitment, regulatory burdens, inequity, and upcoming residency training changes are just a few challenges we as the AADPRT community face! At times, it appears the challenges are insurmountable, but then we come to our Annual Meeting and realize that we are not alone and that we have access to the vast expertise and large community of supportive colleagues.

We invite you to AADPRT’s 2024 Annual Meeting to be inspired, energized, and motivated. Our Annual Meeting is a place where thoughtful speakers and presenters touch our emotional chords, causing us to pause, reflect, and catalyze our personal and professional growth. Come to Austin to be a part of stimulating discussions, to integrate joy and spontaneity in the learning process, and to think outside  the box as we continue to make psychiatry training more and more relevant for future generations of trainees and patients.

CME/Certificate of Participation



Dates | Meeting Guide | Plenary Speakers

Critical Dates Updated 12/8
Meeting Guide video Watch this short video to find out what to know (and do) before you go.Featured Plenary Speakers

Registration | Schedule

Register on site at registration desk on 6th floor of Hilton Austin now through 3/1.

Meeting at a GlanceUPDATED 2/15!
Registration Rates
CME Credit Hours (providers)
Attendance Certificate Credit Hours (Program Administrators)

Hotel Info

Room block closed 2/1/24.

Whova Annual Meeting App

Get our official event app,
For feature details, visit Whova

PA Symposium

Theme: Fostering conversations, adapting to changes
PA Symposium Description
Attendance Certificate Credit Hours


See schedule for presentation times

Austin Info

Visit Austin





Virtual Recruitment Fairs

AADPRT will once again host virtual recruitment fairs to connect medical students with psychiatric residency training programs.

More info