Reconnect, Connect, Learn 

We are so happy to be returning to an in-person conference after a couple of difficult years. We are hopeful this year’s conference brings reconnection, connection (for those joining us for the first time), and the exchange of professional success stories and challenges to help elevate the bar of psychiatry residency training.

The AADPRT PA Planning Committee is excited to introduce speakers focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as those looking to help us succeed in difficult times.

AADPRT PA Conf 2023 Pic6_cropped.jpgNew for 2023 is the addition of a session intended for Mid-Career PAs who have been in their position for 3 – 10 years.  We will continue to offer a New/Newer PA orientation complete with presentations from each of AADPRT’s Program Administrator Committees as well as a Lifer session.

Additionally, the PA Symposium will include workshops, 10- and 20-minute tips/best practices.
This programming will be spread over four (4) days encouraging PA participation in additional critical conference programing.

We hope you will find the experience personally and professionally fulfilling and look forward to seeing you in San Diego!

Roopali Bhargava (Co-Chair) –
Lora Goudreau (Co-Chair) –
Juliet Arthur, MHA, C-TAGME (Ex-Officio) –

See the schedule


annual meeting

To claim CME/CE credit, click the link in the email sent to you Saturday, 3/8.